California State University, Sacramento Sacramento MSA Employment Change: 1990-2000 Sacramento Forecast Project
Establishment Survey | Sector Comparison | back to Sacramento MSA Revised: January, 2003

The Sacramento Metropolitan Statistical Area had a excellent decade, out-performing California's employment growth during the 1990's. Using the results of the Household Survey, the Sacramento MSA's Civilian Labor Force grew 6% more than the rate of the Civilian Labor Force in California. The Civilian Employment's growth was slightly less impressive, with Sacramento MSA's employment growing only 5.6% more than California's.
Household Survey Comparison: 1990 to 2000
The Establishment Survey shows the employment (Total, All Industries) in the Sacramento MSA also doing considerably better than California, increasing 11.1% more than the State. The growth in Manufacturing was the most notable, with California declining by 7.1%, while the Sacramento MSA increased by 33.7%, a 40.8% difference. The second largest difference was the 31.9% difference in the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) Services sector.
Establishment Survey Comparison, by Industry: 1990 to 2000
The distribution of jobs among the various categories shifted from 1990 to 2000, reflecting the success of the recruiting efforts to expand the manufacturing base in the region.
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Update: January, 2003
Arthur N. Jensen, Professor of Marketing
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College of Business Administration
California State University, Sacramento

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