Sacramento Forecast Project El Dorado County Economic Forecast Sacramento Forecast Project
 revised January, 2013 
Unemployment | Taxable Sales | Building Permits | Data Tables | Resources | SFP Page

Number of Persons Employed
The annual average number of persons employed (as measured by the Household Survey) in El Dorado County increased 1.5% (1,200 persons) to 81,400 persons in 2012, after declining -0.2% (200 persons) in 2011. The forecast for 2013, based on actual data through December, 2012, is a smaller increase of 0.2% (200 jobs).
graph, Employment, 1995-2013
graph, Unemployment Rate, 1995-2012
The average annual Unemployment Rate for El Dorado County declined to 10.3% in 2012, lower than the 2011 rate of 11.8%. The forecast for the annual rate in 2013, based on actual data through December, 2012, is for an increase to 10.8%.
Taxable Sales
Taxable Sales for all Outlets, in 2010 increased 2.2% ($30. million), after sales were down 14.5% ($260 million) in 2009. The forecast for 2011, based on actual data through the 3rd quarter of 2011, is for an increase of 5.0% to $1.64 billion, followed by a 2.8% increase in 2012 and another 2.8% increase in 2013.
graph, Taxable Sales, all Outlets, 1990-2013
Building Permits
Residential Building Permits (total units) in El Dorado County have declined 93.9% from the high of 2,031 residential permits in 2004, down to the recent low of 124 permits issued in 2010. The result for 2011 was for a 15.3% increase to 143 permits and 2012 did even better, adding 80 permits (a 55.9% increase) for a total of 223 permits issued. The forecast for 2013 using actual data through December, 2012, is for a 5.1% (11 permit) decrease to 212 permits issued.
graph, Building Permits, 2000-2013
Data Tables
The Sacramento Forecast Project maintains files for these variables and the supporting variables for El Dorado County, in Excel format, that can be made available on request.
table, Number of Persons Employed, 1990-2013
table, Unemployment Rate, 1990-2013
table, Taxable Sales, all Outlets, 1995-2013
table, Building Permits, 2000-2013
El Dorado County has several useful and informative locations on the Internet. For information about the county and its environment, try: The State of California maintains:
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Update: January, 2013
Next Revision: July, 2013
Arthur N. Jensen, Emeritus Professor of Marketing
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